Hide and Seek

rose and a boy

Hide and Seek

What is left when I am gone?
What is here, when I’m no more?
No more of what I used to be,
no more of what you see?

Am I less or am I more?

Tell me,
look at me and tell me,
what feels less and what seems more?

I need to know.
I walk beside you,
I walk alone.
I need to know.
Am I less or am I more?

We play a game of hide and seek
when we are small and as we grow.

We hide to seek.
We seek to hide behind so many doors.

Who dwells behind those many roles?
A wall so thick and strong,
I cannot see You anymore.

So many stories.
You are no less.
You are no more.
I seek to reach you.
You are my own.

No, I am not here to teach you.
Your own river takes you home.

I seek to reach you,
you are my own.

Life Matters

I am not small or insignificant.
I am as large and as relevant as Life itself.
I am Life.

In life, there is no such thing as comparison.
In life, everything is Life—
Big or small,
single or multicellular organism,
there is no separation between

different representations of Life.
You are the living proof.

Mind is what mind does.
Mind is an innocent child.
It likes to play games.
It likes to find different venues,
in endless ways.
Mind is entirely in your capable hands,
once you become ripe enough to become more aware.

Awareness is like the perfectly ripe fruit

of Mother Nature and Baba Sun.
Each of us nurture that fruit,
that nimble child of ours.
Each of us in our own unique way and time
are just like fruits ripening in nature.
It’s that simple.

I love the scent of the ripe strawberries,
radiant red,
infused with sun power,
bursting with life force.

It tastes unlike any other fruit

I have ever picked directly off the plant
and delightfully packed into my mouth.
Eyes closed.
Perfection when it all comes together,
as it should,
as it was meant to be.

The journey of the ripened strawberry should not be forced.
It will never taste the same and you will know.
Once you have tasted the perfectly sun-ripened strawberry,
receiving the sensorial explosion in your mouth
with its fully intense strawberry taste,
you will never forget the experience—
even if time comes when you have to settle for less.

Life can be such.
All you need to do is close your eyes,
focus on that delightful perfect strawberry moment in your life,
and you will be able to recall its sense,
perhaps even its taste.
Such is the power of mind.

Appreciate all what you’ve been gifted to experience in life.
Don’t try to possess or take anything or anyone for granted.

Each of us represents equally significant part

of one permeating Life Force.
Don’t ever be fooled in misleading beliefs

or dogmas indicating otherwise.
Your every breath, each heartbeat

is your greatest guide showing you that you are Life itself.

Nuances are here to be celebrated—
varieties to make our life experience more abundant,
joyful, and complete.

Let’s celebrate Life!

Respect Life!
Like you have learned to respect yourself,
or how you would truly like to be respected.
Protect Life like you protect your own life!

Every bit matters.
You are Life.
Life is You.
You matter.
Life matters.

Sunyata – Emptiness

Rationally, we all know and understand that not all things in life carry equal weight and importance.  

Yet, when we zoom in – we behave like emotional bin bags – we easily get sidetracked, depending on different life situations. We do that entirely by ourselves to ourselves. Sure, the stimulus comes from the outside, but it’s us who receive it, process it, and act or react upon it.

You think, you believe, you convince yourself that you like something – and that this ‘something’ you like is good for you.

Yet, when we’re not very conscious about the choices we make, most of the things we like are actually not that good for us.

Reflect upon it for a moment. You go crazy after ice-cream, chocolate, cookies, pizzas, burgers, fries. You forget how many hours have passed since you plugged into Netflix. You start popping cannabis gummies day in day out, staying up late at night. You get accustomed behaving in a certain way, staying in a relationship that doesn’t serve anyone well. You go on a spending spree, buying things you don’t really need.

I’m not saying ice-cream is bad, full stop – as long as you’re aware, conscious of your choices, you’re fine. When you manage to do, whatever it is that you do in moderation, it’s ok. But can you? Can you brace yourself from ‘just a bit more, a bit longer, one more bite, one more try, a bit faster’, and say no thanks, I had enough.

What is good for you? How do you know? Have you learned by now, what supports you in life and what not?

All the stories that you accept or create, they dwell and operate inside your head, inside your mind. It’s all in there – already thought of by billions of minds at any given second, over eons of time.

Make sure to differentiate and know what goes in and on inside your mind! Who is thinking those thoughts, what you are thinking about, and above all, what do you do about those thoughts. The way you choose to churn them out. Learn to watch, to hold the pause, to reflect, not to react, to have that conversation with yourself, learn to respond.

There’s all that and there is the void.

Your own void that you keep on feeding with all sorts of information, thoughts, beliefs, hopes that can suddenly come to an end. You know what it feels like, when you lose someone precious in life, and only realize what you’ve had when they’re gone? That moment in life you feel the emptiness that was not there before. At first, the emptiness feels unknown. It was absent for a while – hence you became unaccustomed to what living with emptiness feels like.

Emptiness feels vast, grand, magnificent, scary, unknown, uncomfortable, unpredictable.

Emptiness prefers to remain as it is. A black hole into which all matter disappears, out of which new life is born. The void has to remain void.

Yet, we try our best to fill it up, to cover it up so we can avoid facing the void – we a+void witnessing our own origin.

Try not to continue with endless ‘must fill it up with noise and activities’ – because that hunger never ends. You’ll get sidetracked; your focus will easily get consumed, absorbed by the traffic you continue creating – by yourself. It’s how we forget the reason why we have chosen to come here in the first place.

It’s OK to feel uncomfortable with the unknown.

Empty the mind,
empty your heart,
whatever comes,
let it come,
whatever goes,
let it go.

Don’t try to hold on to anything – in fact – accept that you can’t hold on to anything, not even your life. Life experiences will present you exactly what you need, when you need it in the most perfect, synchronous way. Magic happens every day, be rest assure of that. This is not about being passive; on the contrary, one has to stay constantly aware in order to respond to what life presents and do the best they can. Stay soft, perceptive, attentive, so you can move swiftly. Like the weeping willow’s branches swaying in the wind. Dancing to the music, ever so gracefully, without resistance, yet, filled with stability and inner force. Knowing that your trunk – your spine is solid and your roots – your origin runs deep.

Two beautiful, graceful weeping willows. Its branches drooping over the lake of lilies.

“Be Water, My Friend.
Empty your mind.
Be formless, shapeless, like water.
You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup.
You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. (Bruce Lee)

History repeats itself; it’s happening all the time, most of it has already happened before – hence, learn to become an observer, a watcher. Learn to step out of the repetitive cycle. Learn to see the life events, people, their intentions for what they are – not for what you want them, like them or even fear them to be.

From that standpoint make a conscious decision of what you want next – based on your needs, wants, heartfelt desires that are supportive of your life journey and don’t harm others. Remain cool like a cucumber. Like a seasoned gambler: ‘you gotta know when to hold’em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away and know when to run! You never count your money when you’re sittin’ at the table. There’ll be time enough for countin’ when the dealin’s done.’ (The Gambler, Kenny Rogers)

My life experiences have brought me here, where I am right now. Your life experiences have brought you here, where you are, right now. Present, switched on, and fully aware. And thus we stand. Here we meet, we share what we can share. Plenty of human experiences, passing thoughts, knowing who we are, heart full of gratitude, peace of mind, soul strength, sense of freedom. One step, one breath, one heartbeat at a time. Fullness and the void. There is more that connects us than what sets us apart. Yes… I do like that thought.  

Everything is as it is – perfect or imperfectly perfect. Including the vast, expanding emptiness that stretches my limited understanding of what it means to be perfectly at peace & free.


It’s okay to feel uncomfortable with the unknown.

Empty the mind,
empty your heart.
Whatever comes,
let it come.
Whatever goes,
let it go.

“Be Water, My Friend.
Empty your mind.
Be formless, shapeless, like water.
You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup.
You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle.”
-Bruce Lee


Emptiness – bubble bursts into thin air.
The sound arises from the void,
the self emerges out of the hollow,
The self returns into nothingness.

There is a space in my heart that connects me to emptiness,
to remind me of all that I am and all that I am not.

With that in mind, I begin reclaiming my soul power.
Without it, I am not.
I draw my inspiration out of nothingness.
My love emerges from emptiness.
It comes and goes back to where it begun.

We come on behalf of emptiness,
We disappear on behalf of blankness.
Emptiness occupies the space when we are not yet and no longer here.
Unknowable, unpredictable… I sense the unease.
Beautiful, enriching, soul-nourishing emptiness.
I know you, I honor you, your grandiose emptiness.


The Sum of Its Parts

Sunflower field and butterflies

I wonder,
how on Earth did it all come together?
How did it all start?
Was it the monkeys,
The aliens from outerspace?

Somehow it all worked out,
and here I am
and here you are,
marveling over our own imperfect perfections.
Combined elements of earth, fire, water, metal, wood, air…  
All of them are part of who we came to be.

363.000 nerves vibrating in synchronicity,
wired brains,
the all-combining flesh,
the pump that never stops called Heart,
the veins circulating vital sanguine fluid,
limbs that feed us, carry us around,
solid bones and joints that hold it all together,
flexi-muscle tissues giving us strength,
all the inner organs serving every night and day…

Seemingly simple yet profoundly complex,
this reality of each and every one of us,
irrespective of our age, religion,
gender, color of our skin, affinity,
belief system, level of awareness.

The sum of all its parts.

The sum of its parts
is always greater than the parts when taken separately.
Every part is tuning in and out.
A harmony of elements,
more enchanting than their parts.
The universal symphony,
greater than its notes,
reverberating in timeless harmony.

The almighty mind,
the brilliant thinking brainpower,
the tool of creation, destruction, completion,

acceptance, rejection, separation, reflection, perception,
causing our heart’s palpitation, expansion, contraction.
Forming, abandoning beliefs,
the web of countless thoughts,
continuously shaping or dissolving habits.
The bank of memories that come and go.
The sum of all its parts.

Desire to separate, dissect, analyze, prognosticate.
Failing to recognize the “I” relationship,
the wonderful amalgamation melting all together.
All the parts of my body, the milliards of micro-beings that inhabit my abode,
the heartbeat and my motion,
my breath and my commotion.
Plentiful ways, I am able to perceive,
to process information, to seek confirmation.

Your voice that makes me tingle,
your love that stokes my fire,
your touch I so desire.
The joy we share, innate.
The power to invoke.
Connections that our bodies make,
allowing to impress, express, rejoice, create.
The joy of subatomic particles when we accept.
Essentials are invisible to eyes.
What matters, always flows through our hearts.
The sum of all its parts.

The mother and the child,
one giving life to other,
continuously forming matter.
Nature, striving to do better
for the sake of evolution.
The sum of its parts is its contribution.

The glue between all forming parts of the whole,
the ubiquitous love.
There would be none of what we are,
what we have,
what we think, or appear to be,
if it wasn’t for the Mother’s love,
holding, binding, keeping everything together.
The intricate fabric of life.
Not a single bacteria would thrive without the mother’s heart.
Billions of unions between the soul and matter,
one rotating planet full of life,
no matter what the weather.
Velocity of energy buzzing around the clock,
hearts beating,
lungs grasping for precious air,
ears listening to your eternal song—
sharing, caring for each other,
for every form that life on earth assumes.

Tears of gratitude that I can be alive,
to have a heart to feel,
to reciprocate your love, to heal.
The sum of its parts and the magnitude that puts me in awe.
The force that binds us all together,
one mighty soul,
split into billions of different forms,
every single one complete perfection, reflection of the whole.

I breathe in, I exhale, I smile, I feel complete.
Thank you, life, for this experience,
for the opportunity to have the choice.

In holding

one tiny grain of sand
in the palm of my hand,
I hold it all.

I look at one single wild flower,
and I see all the beauty there is to see in the world.

It may take ages to get there,
but it only takes one moment in time to realize eternity.

It only takes a heartbeat to understand creation,
to know what God is all about.

For a moment,
I invite you,
to forget the everyday ways of the world 
and recognize that you are beyond duality.
You, awakened one who cannot see the truth of externality
through the distorted lens of separation caused by fallacy—
the one who dwells beyond plurality,
firmly rooted in unbreakable, unshakable, unified reality.

Realize that equanimous is godliness.
When you take no sides,
you cannot be conquered or divided.

No form, no time, no space
can ever take away,
the cognition of who I am. I am the sum of all its parts.

YOU ARE, therefore I AM.

We All Struggle – Until we Don’t

Mother and a child

My every day can start off bright and shiny, but there’s no guarantee my experience will continue being the same through my day. As day goes by, there are so many different occurrences that can impact my moods, emotions, thoughts, my level of energy.

For example, I’m not that great in prolonged exposures in crowdy places. I can manage, for a while, but it takes a toll. My comfort zone is being around a hand-full of people in bright, open spaces, where nature dominates the place. I know my limits; I have not yet grown up to a more challenging environment without taking a hit and that’s ok. I know that I’m exactly where I am supposed to be, and that’s true for every single day in my life.  

For example, a few days ago I was traveling from Costa Rica to California. Everything was fine up to the point when I had to join the endless spiraling queue with hundreds of other people waiting to get through the US immigration process that IMO is no longer fit for the 21st century. Many fellow passengers were anxious, not knowing if they will ever manage to catch their connecting flight. It was 1pm, my flight was scheduled to leave at 4:10pm. I was ok to start with, I was mainly being by myself, listening to Osho’s discourses – The Divine Melody – reminding me of the essence of life.

At the same time, I started noticing the energy around, which was quite turbulent. The watch was showing 3:20pm when I got to the immigration officer who seemed not to care very much.

As soon as I was done, I rushed off trying to find Terminal 6, which couldn’t be placed at the very end of all the terminals. Luckily my friend I was travelling with managed to check in my luggage. It was 3:45pm and I really didn’t want to miss the flight and get stuck in the LA. Later on I figured out there are plenty of planes flying out to where we were going, so it wouldn’t be that much of a problem. However, being stressed out, in the thick of the rush, I couldn’t see or think clear.

When I was about to join another security scanning queue, I noticed there was quite a strong-willed man next to me, who was intending to do the same thing, at the same time as me, only that I was faster. That seemed to have triggered something inside him; he had a strong reaction and that irritated him tremendously.

All that was on my mind was, ‘please God, help me catch this flight’, whereas he lashed fiercely at me and was deeply insulted for me pulling ahead of him. I apologized, said: “I’m really sorry, but I just need to catch my 4pm flight, I really didn’t want to upset you.” I told him: “please go ahead of me,” but he did not accept, he carried on with his energy attack, which by that moment had already reached its destination – ‘me’. He insisted that I go ahead of him, that his flight was only at 7pm and its ok, with a ‘not ok’ expression on his face. I didn’t want any more confrontations so I went ahead. At the same time, I could feel the irreversible damage – well, at least irreversible for the next 1h before I was able to recover and come back to my senses. I tried to get in touch with Joe, who was already on the plane. I wanted to let him know that I’m on the way – however, my phone connection failed, I couldn’t get through, which added to my anxiety.

With a bit of help I reached my destination; I paused at the counter where I had to show my boarding ticket and I took several deep breaths to relax before I moved on. The hostess looked at me and said it’s ok, you made it on time.

I managed to get on the plane at 4:03pm, just on time for departure. Nevertheless, my heart beat went up sky high, along with my cortisol and stress levels which depleted the final few ounces of my energy reserves.

I had to face a lot of emotions; all I could think of was: “I want to go home”. The thought I resort to when I need to feel safe, sheltered, and nourished. In that moment I felt like a vulnerable child, exposed to very intense emotions that shook me up.

I realized it was my childhood trauma that reemerged to the surface. It all goes back to my first airport experience, which was quite traumatic. I was 15, going to Canada for 3 months over my summer school break. My mum and my oldest brother dropped me off at the Munich airport and left after checked in.

I was left on my own, it felt exciting, yet overwhelming. As soon as I stepped on the airplane the hostess checked my documents, passport, visa and she made a big deal about me traveling on my own – well rightly so. A child travelling on their own can easily cause suspicion, it’s something that should be taken seriously to ensure everything is ok. After all, I was only 15.

I was trying to explain that I had to leave all supporting documents and my mother’s consent letter at the ambassy when I applied for the visa – I had no documents on me that would demonstrate the proof she was asking for. She was insisting to see those documents, else I would have to leave the plane. The grueling went on; I was in almost in tears, trying to explain, to convince her that it’s ok, I am going to my aunt’s place who’ll be waiting for me at Toronto Pearson airport, that I am safe. I was also trying to explain my caretakers had already left and I’d be stranded at the airport, which could be worse.

There was so much fear and anxiety going on, tensing my body, shriveling me up in that moment. There were no mobile phones at that time. My mum and brother were on the way home, which meant I’d be stuck at Munich airport, with no one to call, I had no idea how to speak German at that time, I wouldn’t be able to spend my summer on Niagara on the Lake, meet my aunts, my cousins, see my other brother, and I had no ideas how to get back home.

I was in my fight and flight mode – totally shaken up, when by pure grace, somebody interfered. It must have been the captain who said it’s ok, you can go on and take a seat.

In tears, flooded by emotions of fear, sadness, shock, relief – I sat down. That first flight has painted my airport experience. It went so deeply, that I managed to manifest the repetition of various events that led to the similar emotional states several times since.

Situations such as the one above happens so we can be reminded of various blind spots we have to deal with, to heal, to look into, to reflect upon, and eventually come out clean on the other side. And then, another situation will occur to help us penetrate even deeper, to peel off all the layers of the onion that surround our true essence. The peeling off journey that takes us to a peaceful place where no matter what happens it no longer shakes us up.

Once you reach the core, there is no occurrence or situation in life that will throw you off balance. It’s easy to know when you get there, because you remain there permanently – unshaken, solid, like a rock that’s been sitting on the ocean shore for a millennium or more – despite the endless count of waves bashing into it, 24/7, 365 days a year, year on year, and so on. When you reach that point in life, you just know it, there is no second through, there is no doubt.

Until we get there, it’s important for people close to us to know what’s going on with us internally, so they don’t feel there’s something wrong, or that it’s their fault, or something they might have done. It’s important to share what’s really going on. This way we can avoid many unnecessary stories, dramas, and new obstacles.

Remember – each of us is dealing with our own struggles the very best we can, we just need a bit of support from time to time; a word of encouragement, a loving, kind, understanding heart, a touch of hand, a kiss, a hug, bit of love that has the power to uplift, to instill hope, to help us can carry on in life, so we don’t give up.  

Your kindness has an enormous power; never underestimate the impact your kind thoughts, words, and action can have.

A kind, loving, genuine look, word, gesture that comes from your heart has an incredibly strong ripple effect that reverberates across the universe and never gets unnoticed. Thank you for that! 

May all be well.
