Body Tales

Human Tree

Presence is a tricky affair;
I can only assume it
as I’m able to experience it.

Talking, writing – all comes through the mind.
But where does it originate?
If only within and with the mind –
Well then – that kind of presence sure is valid,
although incomplete.

What about my body?
How much can I stay present
as my hands, my feet, my heartbeat
when I converse with you?
Can I?
Or am I mostly taken over by the power of the mind?

Am I able to connect the dots or do I disconnect?
Because of fragile harmony
with the subatomic particles that form my physical reality.

Once in a while I need to get back to a dance floor,
to move, to ground, to express myself as the body.
Shake as much as needed,
for the power of the mind to settle down.

Computation of the mind gives sense,
Yet, it’s the body tales that guide us;
Without a fine tuned body,
I can easily assume the AI generated tale.

Wholeness of the body, soul & mind.
Soul as the sun shining through the eyes.
Body as the Earth with all its wonders.
And the mind like the ocean breeze,
carrying pollen from one flower to another.
weaving memories, writing stories, sharing thoughts.

Next time we meet,
let’s remember that our bodies speak.
Let’s give voice to that,
what we so often miss.

April Vibes

Girls watching the Roller-coaster ride

Little by Little

The cat, sunrise and the unwinding yarn

It’s the time to unwind,
from the tangles of
the over-active mind.

Little by little.
Each loop entwined
within the tangled yarn unwinds.
I pick up the pieces of the story
that went out of sight.

Little by little.
Day by day.
It matters not
how long it takes.

Listen… can you hear the sound?
A dainty cat is wisdom purring.
‘Every flower blossoms in its own time.
Every petal’s perfect in its own right.’

Hide and Seek

rose and a boy

Hide and Seek

What is left when I am gone?
What is here, when I’m no more?
No more of what I used to be,
no more of what you see?

Am I less or am I more?

Tell me,
look at me and tell me,
what feels less and what seems more?

I need to know.
I walk beside you,
I walk alone.
I need to know.
Am I less or am I more?

We play a game of hide and seek
when we are small and as we grow.

We hide to seek.
We seek to hide behind so many doors.

Who dwells behind those many roles?
A wall so thick and strong,
I cannot see You anymore.

So many stories.
You are no less.
You are no more.
I seek to reach you.
You are my own.

No, I am not here to teach you.
Your own river takes you home.

I seek to reach you,
you are my own.

Triple Flame

Triple Flame Rose

I know that You know,
that however You respond to events in life
is entirely your choice.

You want to play a victim. That’s ok.
You want to be free of drama. That’s ok.

We’re all in this together.
When you choose to be free,
we all have a better time.
More fun, opportunities to play,
connect, grow, discover, overcome and
share the moments to remember!

The choice is mine.
The choice is yours.
The choice is his.
The choice is hers.
There is no right or wrong.
No shame, no blame.
The freedom of choice always remains.

To enjoy life together and apart.
To experience the pleasure as I overcome the struggles,
To live a meaningful life,
whatever meaning means to me.

Enjoyment, Pleasure and Meaning
I’m grateful for the Healing Power of a Triple Flame. 

It’s Groundhog Day

War Scene

These are the healing powers of written words.
They span beyond time and space.
I choose to use them well.

There is sweetness in freedom of choice,
With valor and beauty when following through.

You wish to live a life of service?
May I ask: ‘Who are you serving?’

How much more will it take?
How many more times will you strike
with the spellbound knife,
cut into humanity’s core, 
squint when our bodies bleed,
until you realize you have been fooled…

Dear fellow soul,
don’t you know?

Haven’t you realized by now?
You can never quench the thirst for blood.
It’s addictive, like opium and cocaine,
it will suck you in like the sinking mud.

Be wise, choose well, dear friend.
Two more weeks to Groundhog Day,
when shadows go or shadows stay.

Be the warrior in your own light.
Don’t make the same mistake twice.
The innocent will have to pay the price.

One loving heart is all we need to stop the war.
May that heart be yours. 


My Muse

Head of Da Vinci Venus - Beautiful Woman

It’s a mystery, the source of all.
The subtle, precious essence,
stirring up creative forces bubbling inside. 

How, where, when, why… ?
Light must come out to greet the Sun. 
Particles collide.

I’m not the only one who loves the flow.

If that’s what rain feels to a tree,
A word, a thought will do, 
to move me from within,
to make me smile,
inspire me to write a verse or three.

A special bond, 
the alchemy called synergy,
it means a world to me.

With gratitude.
To my beloved muse.

Iron Will and White Lillies

Young girl, standing, beside the bird and lilies

You don’t think.
You just do it.
You’ve done your thinking yesterday.
You fine tuned your plans, you pledged the promise.
Today, you get up and you do it.
Take the cold plunge.
Go for a walk, a swim or the gym.
Eat the wholesome food that meets your body’s needs.
Do the work.
Pause – often.
Not to think but to empty your mind.
No negotiations, binging, or scrolling.
Do not begin to ponder, procrastinate and yonder.
Just do it and be the wonder.

Execute willingly, move gracefully, deliver, with a style & smile.
That’s my attitude and the New Year’s vibe.
May it be victorious. 🔱 💞✨️