Iron Will and White Lillies

Young girl, standing, beside the bird and lilies

You don’t think.
You just do it.
You’ve done your thinking yesterday.
You fine tuned your plans, you pledged the promise.
Today, you get up and you do it.
Take the cold plunge.
Go for a walk, a swim or the gym.
Eat the wholesome food that meets your body’s needs.
Do the work.
Pause – often.
Not to think but to empty your mind.
No negotiations, binging, or scrolling.
Do not begin to ponder, procrastinate and yonder.
Just do it and be the wonder.

Execute willingly, move gracefully, deliver, with a style & smile.
That’s my attitude and the New Year’s vibe.
May it be victorious. 🔱 💞✨️