Light is Right

Happy Mickey Mouse with an umbella

There’s no need having to constantly struggle in life, going through extremes to get satisfaction we seek deeply inside. No need to put our bodies, hearts, and minds through arduous effort to feel the bliss, the joy, the ease…. remember the moments in your life, when not much is needed for you to feel the joy that turns into a bliss. Simply, by being in a conducive environment, with the right kind of people – synergy happens and the floating is effortless. The state of heart, body, and mind – all more or less in synch. Just like breathing, the ease of the breeze, or the sight of a condor’s flight.
So why can’t we make this possible in every aspect of our lives?
I think I’m ready for the light-grade. What about you? 😊

And if effort is sometimes required, that too is ok, but not as a default way of being and a dominant way of living.

Remember, light is right and often, less is more 🌊🐬💙

Light is Right

Light is right and less is more.
The attitude called struggle is my last year’s chore.

Stiffened shoulders have carried a share of you for quite some long.
It’s time to shed off the strain of burden.
To live a life more aligned with the flow.
As a lighter version, with less load.

Light is right and often, less is more.
I’m quite happy to let go of my last years chore.

I wonder, which one is yours?
What is time for you to let go?

Ode To Light

Six people, holding hands, watching the sunset.

Shed the light that enters through the cracks and heals the brokeness you feel.

Whatever that may be.
Shed the light,
it’s time to heal
the pieces haunting you at night.

Ode to Light, to Life – the Solstice,
the sacred time to pause, to contemplate,
clear the path for all that is yet to come.
Fresh, new, inspiring, alive.

And above all,
for more light to pour through
and shower each and every one of You.

Always, with Love.


Good Morning Dear One

Ocean walk - sunset

Blink your eyes…

Breath in and awaken all your bodily sense perceptions.
Now imagine being lovingly kissed a thousand times.
And a thousand more.

Just like the power of radiant sun rays,
reflected through each and every living form,
opening up to receive the morning blessings,
may you too be blessed,
as you open up to receive
the effulgent beauty through your most beautiful,
loving, dreamy eyes.

Feel it, receive it, love it,
and shower your heart’s blessings to everyone & everything around you,
as if there was no tomorrow.🌹🍯💞🙏🏼

Ocean Romance

Cheese Cake like board, Girl, Surfing Ocean Waves

You roll your mighty body with impeccable waves.
You extend a playful, immersive delight.
I savor you with gratitude,
with sparks in my eyes.

Not the best of Cuban torcedores*,
nor my mum with Walnut Christmas cake,
can match your expertly crafted wake,
with salty flavors that swirl, fold, and perfectly break.

The foaming, dissolving dance in each wave you make – an electrifying grace.

You alone can sweep me off my feet and meet me where I am,
always catching me, lovingly, in your waterfull embrace.

I dig you, especially when sand is where I stand.

Your hypnotic sound.
A timeless symphony you alone can play,
for as long as gravity remains.  

In fact, your soothing hum,
exudes the might
that hibernates my monkey mind.

I say yes!
Yes to my inner child that loves to play!
How lucky am I to splutter and paddle as if I was a child.

Thank you!
Thank you, for the playfulness that never ends.
For the joy you bring out of my salt loving, porous, Swiss cheese like cells.

*A torcedor is a skilled craftsman or artisan who hand-rolls cigars.

Ps… you can’t whip a whacky poem like this with Chat GPT,
so don’t fret about AI, it cannot come up with real stuff, because it cannot swim nor play,
it’s not kicking, and it’s not alive.
But it can surely help with a few crafty synonyms I need once in a while.
So, thank you for the role you play in
my sweet little rhyming game.

Liquid Light

White Feather

A sweet moment stored in your cells that lingers forever.
A lulling sound of a goodnight summer breeze.

A smile, one of a kind, even in your deepest sleep.
Knowing that tomorrow feels like a loving kiss.

A hand as soft and gentle as a feather,
An open, loving, a kind heart –
your life force and your source of happiness and bliss. 

Your dreams and your desires,
your trust, your courage, playfulness transpires,
in and out of the cascading light.

In that bright, fluid, omnipresent light.

Happiness is hurkle-durkling

Little girl and the dear dreaming

“I don’t want to get up,
I don’t want to leave my warm and cozy bed,
leave my precious dreams behind,” she said.
The world she woke up to as a child was so different
from what she experienced inside.
Her precious dreams so fragile…
Afraid she would forget.

Now she’s all grown up,
so she takes her favorite pen,
to spill her reveries out.
She writes them all down.
to anchor her visions,
so they no longer float around.

Her dreams begin to spill over to her waking state,
and her hopes for a more beautiful,
magical experience grows brighter and stronger.

*Hurkle Durkle: a 200 year-old Scottish term meaning to lounge in bed long after it’s time to get up. Happiness is hurkle-durkling.

At Its Core

The essence of darkness is light

The essence of darkness is light.

We begin to journey into the resting season of the year,
witnessing the trees embrace the winter rest,
the song of birds and crickets lingers in the not-too-distant past.

The rhythm of the passing time slows down,
as darkness casts its thickest veil
we reignite the candlelight, 
to reflect the flame that burns inside.

Not merely waiting for the brighter season.
Instead – we shine forth, 
radiating from the core.
With all the might our cells and hearts soaked in
while the Sun was shining strong and high.
Without a speck of dim.

Rising, shining bright.
As within so without. 
As above so below.
The light is rising out of the dark.

Let’s celebrate the dark,
the festive months of winter tide.

The essence of darkness has always been light.

Take The Leap

Ocean Cliff, Stallions, Woman

Stranded on the ocean cliff.
Or so it seems.

On a bright, full-moon night,
she finds herself.
At peace.
At last.

A gentle, yet fierce beauty,
imbued with a force of hundreds of horses.

Strong, born to be wild,
ready to gallop whenever and wherever she calls.

The glaring sky is filled with millions stars,
From one horizon to the other.

The cold autumn wind is sweeping through the air.
The path is crystal clear.
The chill – she feels it to her bones.

The unexpected leap of fate.
The buck is safe – for now.
The deer – no longer caught in headlights.

Shhhh, slow down my muse, my vital force.
He begins to whistle as she glides with ease.
There is no need to speed.

Too close lurks the edge.
Beware, the ocean’s rough.
The cliffs are rising,
it’s dark, it’s steep.

An exhilarating thrill shines through her eyes.
The steadfast bracing of his heart.

Breathe, co-regulate.
There is no need to rush.
Hold my hand – if you will.

She sails across the seven seas…
the stallions set free.

Savoring their final dance.

Take the leap,
Trust your beat,
Take that chance.

This… is Your Dance.

The Rising Mouse and the AI Swoon

Wholehearted Mouse

The following double-layered cake like story started off with a sweet, simple rhyme about the fully-fledged mouse, which then decided to spill over towards the spirit of AI with its romantic swoon. Here is how…  

… I have met many people who told me they dread the work they do and despite all, they choose to endure it all. Regardless of all the repetitive, unrewarding tasks their job entails.

Now – I think that with the rise of AI we have reached a point when we have a chance to hand over the dread that can release us from such drudgery and allow more time and space to explore and find out what it is we truly enjoy doing. What a boon – in every possible conceivable way.  

And if you sense fear rising within you, when thinking about the AI, I would suggest not to fall for that fear. This fear is no different than any other change-related fear life throws at our feet.  I believe that any non-existential fear holds the key to unlocks the possibly dormant potential within each of us.

The greater the fear the bigger the potential of your ally – I call him/her ‘the sleeping giant or the seeping giantess – if you prefer’.  

That is why I love to hurkle-darkle – that means to lounge in my bed long after it’s time to get up. Though I am properly awake, I allow the soft, gentle transition of synching up with my mighty spirit so that we may rise together with joint forces and dance throughout another day filled with gratitude and wonder.

Continue reading “The Rising Mouse and the AI Swoon”

Embodied Movement

Dancing on the Beach

Embodied Movement…   In the light of love – we move.

How could I best describe embodied, conscious movement? And why has it become an indispensable part of my life style?

Have you ever noticed how children move, hop and dance around? Ever so effortlessly, it looks so natural. They seem to be having so much fun. That’s exactly why I love embodied conscious movement – it’s utterly liberating and helps me unwind from all the dealings that are part & parcel of the grown-up world.

It’s a medicine to my soul I have access to – at all times. Through moving my body together with all other moving bodies in a safe container facilitated by a skillful and present guide by our side.  I become more aware of what transpires as I move together and on my own.  Pivoting from exploring, tasting your dance to coming back home to my own dance – enriched by the experience of a new flavour I can now add to my own.

I am wondering – is there such a thing as “my dance”? For, I am a composition – a formation of all the people and experiences I have ever been touched by in my life. However I may have perceived it – pleasantly, in fear, with aversion, with an open or a closed heart and mind.

I cultivate a deeper sense of awareness, anchoring my faculty of presence as I begin to move. In a most playful possible way.

I share my experiences with my fellow movers; feeling comfortable to be myself – my authentic me. I am not expected to please or have a need to dance to impress upon anyone. And when I do, that’s fine to – as long as I am aware of my beings and doings. I dance to express all different parts of my self – sometimes fast or slow, vigorously or through a set of micro-movements, with music or in silence, in communion with people, the ocean, trees, the sun, the birds, all that is around or simply on my own.

I am allowing myself to be, through movement – there is no agenda. Only pure movement – I have no need for any substances that would alter my state of being.  When I move I can’t get stuck. I don’t wait for the emotions or my moods to change before I decide to make a move – I instigate the move and let the emotions follow the suite. I nudge myself to move despite the flavour of my current state of being.   As I begin to move, I create the flow with it’s ripple effects and let it take me where I need to go and do my thing. When I move I don’t get stuck. My movement can be tinny – invisible to the observing eye – yet, inside me, I move. My gaze softens, and I allow my body tissues and my nerves to relax. I realize there is no need for competition, exaggerated ambition, or intensity when not called for.

Our bodies hold the innate intelligence that informs us of our deeply rooted patterns that keep us out of balance and no longer serve us. When I pause and tune in, I am able to learn how to move, to move through such patterns that cause me unease.

I learn to cultivate moments composed of many pauses – moments where I simply freeze. Being a witness to myself, to others and being witnessed by others – not trying to change anything, to interfere, or interject. Being present for my fellow movers while allowing whatever is wanting to occur – to happen.

Tears, joy, fear, trepidation, doubt, memories, pain, desires, pleasure, love, hate, connection, disconnect, projections, anger, shame, blame, judgements, wanting to hide and run away, feeling helpless, not knowing. All parts of ourselves are welcome on the sacred dance floor; nothing is taken personally, yet all is personal.  

Nothing is taken personally, yet everything is very personal.  

And so I take all this learning and embodied wisdom as I transition from one container to another. From my scrumptiously delicious dancing pod in sunny California to my beloved home in the cold, green north. To my workplace of play, inspiration, and creation.

There’s no separation when embodied, conscious movement leads the way. Sometimes I choose to move slow or fast, gently or vigorously, in a big audacious or tinny, small way. Always trying to be aware of my semipermeable moving vehicle with the capacity to embody it all. To choose and say yes or no. To participate or take a break. To set healthy boundaries. To watch life unfold – for me, for us all.
With gratitude that I am alive – that I have the required means, time, support, courage, and will to experience the gift of a year-long with Zuza and you all.  

I show up. Trusting that I can. I come to this world to play and be the being of love, which I am. When I mess up, that’s ok. I pause, reset and start again. I know that I can. Because I am. A being of light & love. Showing you the way, just like you show me your way to live my life more fully, as an expression of my most beautiful, generous, loving, joyful, authentic self.  Oh, I do love that thought.

So, it is true.
“From caring comes courage”,
the courage to listen and respond
to the calling of the Heart.
(The Girl With a Rose)

I thank you for enriching my life with your preciousness, with your divine presence. 

I dance… I am danced…I become my dance. The dance becomes me.  

And now, I wonder… How do you move through your life? What is the one thing I have shared that could enrich your dance of life, making it more pleasant, fulfilling, meaningful, revealing? Five percent more or five percent less can can make a big difference.

Is it possible for you to receive this flow of thoughts with an open heart and place it at the back of your mind as you go about your day – and see what transpires when you least expect it?

Yeah, I am a curious mover, that’s for sure.  

Zuza, thank you for delicious 5% 😊💕. In the light of love, we move… “