Body Tales

Human Tree

Presence is a tricky affair;
I can only assume it
as I’m able to experience it.

Talking, writing – all comes through the mind.
But where does it originate?
If only within and with the mind –
Well then – that kind of presence sure is valid,
although incomplete.

What about my body?
How much can I stay present
as my hands, my feet, my heartbeat
when I converse with you?
Can I?
Or am I mostly taken over by the power of the mind?

Am I able to connect the dots or do I disconnect?
Because of fragile harmony
with the subatomic particles that form my physical reality.

Once in a while I need to get back to a dance floor,
to move, to ground, to express myself as the body.
Shake as much as needed,
for the power of the mind to settle down.

Computation of the mind gives sense,
Yet, it’s the body tales that guide us;
Without a fine tuned body,
I can easily assume the AI generated tale.

Wholeness of the body, soul & mind.
Soul as the sun shining through the eyes.
Body as the Earth with all its wonders.
And the mind like the ocean breeze,
carrying pollen from one flower to another.
weaving memories, writing stories, sharing thoughts.

Next time we meet,
let’s remember that our bodies speak.
Let’s give voice to that,
what we so often miss.