Lightning May Strike

Girl in a cloak, staining, watching,, lightning, stormy weather

One can never be entirely sure
how the day is going to unroll.

It can start off as a simple,
well intended, 
clear my mind from all the busy thoughts
afternoon walk.

Before the clock strikes five, 
I hear the thunder
and as I turn around,
the lightning fires up my spine.

On the sacred spot,
beside my favorite rock.

I stand there,
seeking refuge,
pouring out my prayers,
my gratitude.
To everything and everyone
I have ever been blessed by.

To my numinous fellow travelers.
So many of you have carried me through.
Many of our paths have parted,
as we journey on,
each responding to the whispers of our soul.

I am a tapestry of moments, 
woven together by the threads of my life’s components.
The sum of all your smiles,
your tears,
envies, desires,
shames and blames,
resentments, appreciations, admirations.  

All of it,
combined together
with the hint of your trust,
your joy, your fear,
your love.
All of it,
without a twine of doubt.

I am wrapped in the cloak,
woven by all of your strings.

underneath that cloak I wear,
remains the untouchable, unclad,
timeless me.
The one wearing the cloak that soaked it all in.

Lightning may strike. 
Suddenly emerged from the shrouded azure hue.

To shake me, to wake me,
to ruffle my feathers,
reminding me of what truly matters.

Especially on days
when the cloak feels so dreadfully weary
and heavy to carry.
Like a beacon of much needed light,
sending a few wake-up shivers
up and down my spine.

Would I be here if it wasn’t for the love of some kind?

Would there be anything or anyone in this glorious world,
if it wasn’t for the sacred binding force that holds us all together?

The sky alight with bolts of fire, 
what secrets does the universe conspire?

A perfectly timed prompt,
reminding me to humble down,
to count my blessings,
to celebrate, appreciate the life I own.
I must respond.
Because I am the only one who knows.
The only one who can.  
With love, gratitude, fortitude, and grace.

My Creative Flow

Walking with umbrella

How does it all unfold?
When that which comes, comes;
when that which goes, goes.

When forces fluctuate like fickle weather,
unknown until known,
right before my eyes;
when the sun means warm,
and the storm means wet.

At times I get the urge to grab my favorite pen;
I feel the bubbling story itching to appear.
At times I swipe the Notes app on my phone,
swiftly following my thoughts,
packing them all in before they disappear.

There is no consistency;
The passage of the flow is unforeseen. 
It’s satisfying, to say the least,
by allowing it to flow
and being part of every written row.
How many? I shall never know…

Until the pouring comes to an end
and the weather is no more,
I say thank you
and close my notebook, laptop, or my phone.

I’m willing to walk the trailblazing expedition.
Witnessing such wondrous magnificence,
the scrumptious dance called fractals of fruition.

How, why, when? So many questions.
I have no answers to explain.
And even if I tried,
it often makes no sense to anyone but me—

Each to their own unique ways,
each of us here to find our own
how, why, and when.

You can read as many blogs and books as you may wish,
indulge in stories,
soak in all the podcasts, audios,
take in all the animations, videos…
It’s a nice way to spend your days
and I’m sure it helps achieve a few important goals,
but does it give you what you seek?

You tell me!
Have you found what you’ve been looking for?

Rarely have I found my unique self-expression through other’s stories.
I have picked up a few golden nuggets of wisdom, inspiration,
filled with thoughts, charged up emotions, associations, memories,
lots of learning opportunities, motivations…

Yet I find myself most profoundly resourceful when I put my mind to rest,
when I integrate, fuse within my own “out of time and sacred space.”
The answers bubble up when temperature is ripe,
when I am willing, ready, open to receive;
when I too become a part of this extraordinary, creative flow of life.

Just like the ramble you now read and see,
it’s not so much about the content I hereby submit. 
It’s all about the flow,
so you can hop on,
bounce off,
and off you go.
Do your own thing.

Catch “it” if you can,
and use it well!

Background reflections:

How does writing occur in my case?

I suppose this process or point of entry varies from one writer to another. Lately, my indication has been counterintuitive… at least for me.

My creative flow happens when I get overwhelmed with an incredible sense of boredom; when I’m on the verge of entering another episode of dreading the current reality.

Luckily, I learned to dodge that bullet. All I have to do is take a pen or a keyboard and let the flow do the rest, allowing it to take me for a different kind of spin of my creative endeavors and exciting outpours. I allow myself to become a segway for the passages, the words, the stories knocking on my doors, waiting to unfold.

And that, my friend, is my secret of how I enter my creative flow—the secret that’s not a secret anymore…

So, then next time boredom, irritation, anxiety, sadness, anger, or downward spiraling come to visit, face it with a completely opposite  and the unassailable force of uplifting energy. Whatever works for you—painting, singing, playing an instrument, dancing, chiseling, trading, moving, writing, cooking, gardening, etc.—spin its course, chart your own! Just try it out and let the magic of the flow unfold while you become the vessel for whatever needs to happen as you put your monkey mind to rest.

Have a great day and a splendid life!
