Mirror Reflection of Me

Grandpa and granddaughter walking through theredwoods
The sweet little poem,
a mirror reflection of me,
dedicated to Papo and Lois.
A reminder for you,
for me,
for us all, in this circling, wondrous, wide world.

“I come to this world to play;

All that I see around me,
it’s all me.

Different expressions of me:
shapes, sizes, ages, colors, genders.

It does not matter how I see—
It’s all me,
full circle,

More or less me,
whatever I see,
all around
is more or less of me.

I see.
It matters not what you can see.
Whatever you see,
it’s all me.”

 “Is that what you seek?
You see,
you are a part of me—
It’s all me.”

“I see.
It’s all me,
all around.

I close my eyes and I can see;
It has always been me.

All of it;
Just me.”

And I—
I come to this world to play
and to be what I am:

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